+49 (0) 8441 49 804 26 info@global-pluss.net


Waste to energy as a source of energy.

Global-Pluss  Waste to Energy.

Facilitate the transition to sustainable energy private and public sectors.

Global Pluss is a group of companies focused on developing sustainable solutions for the next level of technology. Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from-waste (EfW) is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste, or the processing of waste into a fuel source. Waste to energy facilities typically reduce waste volumes by 90%. Fewer and smaller landfills are needed to process ash and this protects a valuable natural resource – land. Trucking of waste long distances can be greatly reduced.

Building the Future

WtEs in developing countries

Aa a partially renewable energy source it can also contribute to our renewable energy targets which are aimed at decarbonizing energy generation. It has the added advantage that it is non-intermittent, so it can complement other renewable energy sources such as wind or solar.

Waste to Energy Plants

Process of WtEs Plants

  • A reception area to receive the waste, sort and separate material for recycling and get it ready for combustion.
  • A thermal treatment – this essentially releases the energy from the waste.
  • Conversion to a transportable form of energy – e.g. electricity, heat, fuels.
  • Emissions clean -up – ensuring waste gases are safe.



+49 (0) 8441 49 804 26




86633 Neuburg / Do.

Regional offices in:

Germany, Italy, Turkey, India, Kenya, Uganda  & Rwanda.